The Flow program runs for six months and is a grounded, multidimensional, and transformative journey towards a well-rounded and fully embodied spiritual life. This program makes use of various transpersonal and integrative practices that respect the participants’ unique context and respond to their needs.

Flagship Program
Embody contemplative living
Flourish through wholeness and integration
Discover your higher calling and potentials
Develop suitable and sustainable contemplative practices
Engage with a safe and brave community
Learn about transpersonal concepts
Program runs from January 11 to June 28, 2025
Only 20 slots available
Do you want to explore if this program is right for you?
"Integration–the balancing of differentiation and linkage–is the basis for optimal regulation that enables us to flow between chaos and rigidity; integration is the core process that helps us flourish and thrive. Health comes from integration. On a more practical, day-to-day basis, what this means is moving from a less reactive place to a more receptive and calm outlook–moving from panic to presence."
- Dr. Daniel J. Siegel, a clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine and executive director of the Mindsight Institute.
The Core Elements
This six-month program involves a cyclical process with three main components: Intention, Practice, and Presence.

Open awareness to current realities and deep desires

Distinct exercises awakening the six streams of life

Deep listening to invitations of the greater flow
The Practices and the Six Streams
This program will help the participants explore and commit to a set of practices that can allow them to flow. These practices will be designed by the participants according to their unique contexts. They will not be asked to do anything that does not align with their nature or, in other words, anything that goes against the flow of Life for them.
The six streams correspond to the different dimensions or aspects of life: physical, emotional, intellectual/mental, spiritual, interpersonal, and social/natural.

The physical stream explores practices that allow bodyfulness, support rest, build strength, and respond to somatic needs. Some examples are walking, dancing, running, going to the gym, doing body scans, contemplative climb, gardening, doing yoga, doing martial arts, cycling, massage, and wall climbing.

The intellectual or mental stream explores practices that cultivate curiosity and wonder, actively explore a body of knowledge, involve learning a new skill or continue an interest. Some examples are learning about woodworking, attending a course on ancient civilizations, exploring photography, and offering a tutorial on writing.

The interpersonal stream explores practices that promote intimacy and authenticity, practice empathy, encourage wholehearted dialogues, and create opportunities for genuine connection. Some examples are non-violent communication, book clubs, trivia night, storytelling, and storylistening.

The emotional stream explores practices that create a safe space for inner dialogue, self-awareness, developing self-compassion, and regulation of emotions. Some examples are immersive listening to music, playing a musical instrument, soulful reading, going to counseling or psychotherapy, journaling, and writing poetry.

The spiritual stream explores practices that can lead to deep presence to God, the Spirit, or the Sacred and to discovering what spirituality means at a particular season of life. Some examples are joining a meditation retreat, going on a spiritual pilgrimage, visiting sacred spaces, spending time in nature, and having spiritual direction sessions.

The social or natural stream explores practices that advocate for the welfare of a community and raising awareness on important societal and environmental causes. Some examples are tending a community garden, joining cleanliness campaigns, and igniting passion projects for children, and upholding human and animal rights.
"Transforming our consciousness is the most important work we can ever do...
The goal is to free our minds from suffering by understanding
who we really are."
- Living Deeply: The Art & Science of Transformation in Everyday Life

For whom is this program?
Are trying to discover and live out their deeper calling in life;
Want to align their passions, values, and gifts with the needs of the society and the invitation from the Spirit;
Are caught up in the busyness of life and want to be more intentional in engaging in contemplative practices;
Live with anxiety, confusion, and grief and long for an integrated and balanced life;
Desire to enrich their current strengths and discover their hidden potentials; and
Want to develop a sustainable and appropriate set of spiritual practices respectful of one’s unique context
How can the participants benefit from it?
Learn about some fundamental concepts in transpersonal psychology and their practical applications in life;
Appreciate various perspectives on spiritual growth and transformation through integrative practices;
Design their own practices, with the guidance of facilitators and mentors, that respond to the six dimensions or streams of their lives;
Discover their growing edges as they learn to listen to and trust their inner wisdom;
Develop healthy habits and rhythms that they can sustain even after the program;
Be part of a safe, brave, and supportive community where vulnerability is honored and has a space for uniqueness and imperfections; and
Exercise self-compassion as the practices unfold.

How is the program done?
Webinars cover the overview, basic concepts, and reminders about the program as well as relevant info sessions.
Participants are assigned in small groups that meet monthly for reflective sessions. This is a space to share about their joys, struggles, and growing edges as the practices unfold.
One-on-one accompaniment or consultations are held monthly or as needed by the participants.
In-person meetings may also be done depending on the preference and availability of the group.
To view the schedule of activities, click the button below.
What does joining entail?
Attending the scheduled webinars especially the following:
Webinar 1: Introduction (January 11, 2025, Saturday, 8:30 am Manila time)
Webinar 6: Creative Synthesis and Graduation (June 28, 2025, Saturday, 8:30 am Manila time);
Being present in all the monthly reflective sessions with their small group;
Showing up to their practices and document their experiences;
Writing a reflective essay at the end of the program;
Preparing a creative synthesis and present it during graduation; and
Being open to where the greater Flow is moving.
A laptop or desktop computer with camera
Wi-Fi or Internet connection
E-mail, Facebook account, and Facebook Messenger
The regular program fee for the Second Wave of the Flow Program is PHP 15,000 or USD 280 (Php 2,500 x 6 months)
The program fee covers the conduct of webinars, facilitators' fees, and admin fees. It does not cover the cost, if any, of the practices chosen by the participants.
Payment terms:
Early bird rate (20% discount): Php 12,000 or USD 224 if you pay in full not later than October 31, 2024.
Regular rate: Pay PHP 7,500 or USD 140 not later than December 11, 2024 to reserve your slot and then Php 7,500 or USD 140 not later than February 11, 2025.
Please get in touch if you need help with the fees and/or the payment terms.