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Learning Sessions


The learning sessions are dedicated to guiding individuals and organizations towards a deeper understanding and experience of spirituality through a variety of practices. They are designed to provide a safe and nurturing environment for people to explore and engage in spiritual practices that can help them connect with themselves, others, and the Sacred. Some learning session topics are outlined below:


Contemplation and Meditation. Participants are guided in developing a daily meditation practice and explore different meditation techniques. They will learn how to quiet their minds, cultivate inner peace, and develop a greater sense of presence and awareness.


Spiritual Walks and Hikes. These sessions take place in beautiful natural settings, allowing participants to connect with the natural world and experience the wonder and awe of creation. Guided by experienced facilitators, participants will learn to use nature as a tool for contemplation and meditation, and to connect with the Sacred in new and meaningful ways.


Journaling and Creative Expression. Participants are provided with tools and techniques to explore their inner selves and connect with their creativity through writing, drawing, poetry, song composition, painting, and other forms of creative expression. They will explore their spiritual journeys, emotions, and experiences, and learn to express themselves more authentically and deeply.


Bodyfulness and Mindfulness. These sessions focus on the mind-body connection and integration, helping participants develop a greater sense of self-awareness, self-compassion, and inner peace. Through practices such as dance, breathwork, and mindfulness meditation, participants will learn to cultivate a deeper sense of presence and embodiment, and to connect with their bodies in new and meaningful ways.


Spiritual Conversations and Reading. Participants are given opportunities to engage in deep and meaningful conversations with others about their spiritual journeys and experiences. Through group discussions, readings, and other forms of shared learning, participants will gain insights into their own spiritual paths, as well as those of others.


Some learning sessions are scheduled and open to the public. Organizations who prefer private sessions can schedule an exploratory meeting to discuss how the sessions can be designed. For any inquiries, please email


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