Retreats & Recollections
Retreats and recollections are both forms of spiritual practice that involve taking time away from the distractions of daily life to focus on one's spiritual growth and development. However, there are some differences between the two:
Length: Retreats are usually longer than recollections. A retreat can last anywhere from a weekend to several weeks, while a recollection typically lasts for one day or part of a day.
Format: Retreats are often structured around a particular theme or practice, such as silent meditation or yoga. Recollections, on the other hand, may be less structured and may involve a variety of activities, such as group prayer or personal reflection.
Intensity: Because retreats are longer and more focused, they can be more intense than recollections. Participants may be asked to observe periods of silence, adhere to a strict schedule, or engage in challenging practices such as fasting or long periods of meditation.
Purpose: Both retreats and recollections are designed to facilitate spiritual growth and development. However, retreats are often seen as more transformative, while recollections are seen as a way to deepen one's existing spiritual practice.
Both retreats and recollections can be valuable tools for spiritual growth and development, and the choice between the two will depend on an individual or organization's preferences, needs, and schedule.
Each retreat and recollection is designed specifically to respond to the needs of the individual, school, or company. It can be done either online or in-person.
Please email millennialtitomonk@gmail.com for any inquiries or if you want to schedule an exploratory meeting for a future retreat or recollection.

Current Themes
The programs below can be designed to respond to specific needs of the participants. They can be adapted to suit children or gradeschoolers, teenagers or young adults, and adults. They can also be implemented either online or onsite.

How is God continuing to create my young mind and heart? Celebrate children's uniqueness, creativity, and belovedness while nurturing healthy relationships.
One-Day Recollection | Practicing Gratitude | Mindfulness for Children | Creativity | Giftedness | Uniqueness | Friendships

Discover the positive impact of gratefulness in our lives especially the young. Children are guided in naming their gifts and sharing affirmation with one another.
One-Day Recollection | Practicing Gratitude | Mindfulness for Children | Storytelling | Giftedness | Uniqueness | Affirmations

Embrace God-given gifts and pray with gratitude. Give and receive sincere affirmations from one another. How can I rest in God's loving presence?
One-Day Recollection | Practicing Gratitude | Mindfulness for Children | Affirmations | Storytelling | God's Love

Major life transitions such as graduating from school and finding a job can be disorienting. Harness the power of mindfulness and reflection in navigating changes.
One-Day Recollection | Life Transitions | Reflecting on Journey | Living Out A Calling | Mindfulness | Self-Awareness | Gifts and Potentials

Reflect through various forms of prayer and discover one's emerging calling at a young age. Sit with the realities of the life of an emerging adult and sense God's loving presence.
Three-Day Recollection | Gratitude | Emerging Calling | Mindfulness | Creativity | Praying with Nature | Reflection | Small Group Sharing

Go beyond the concept of "Magis" as merely having more or being the best. Reflect on what it means to embody your True Self.
2-Day Silent Retreat | Conference | Spiritual Conversations | Optional Supplementary Workshops | All Spiritual Traditions

Self-esteem and self-love are at the core of a well-adjusted person. How can we help the young in wholeheartedly embracing who they are?
One-Day Recollection | Self-Esteem | Self Compassion | Mindfulness | Creativity | Interpersonal Relationships | God's Love | Small Group Sharing

How can we nurture our life-giving relationships? How can curiosity, courage, and compassion help in building healthier relationships?
3-Day Retreat | Relationship Inventory | Life-Giving Relationships | Transpersonal Psychology | Reflection | Worksheets | Mental Health