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Spiritual Direction


Spiritual direction is a sacred dance of discovery among three key participants: the seeker (you), the guide (me), and the Sacred (God, Allah, Divine, Ultimate Reality, Love, etc), exploring the depths of the soul and surrendering to the wisdom of the Mystery.


In this safe and sacred space you can bring your joys and struggles, hopes and fears, questions and doubts, and a desire to deepen your spiritual life. The entirety of you is welcome here. You can come as you are.


You can benefit from spiritual direction if you seek to:

  • deepen your relationship with the Sacred;

  • explore your spirituality;

  • find meaning and purpose in life;

  • cultivate presence and self-awareness;

  • be guided in decision-making; and

  • live a more authentic and fulfilling life.


A spiritual direction session is held for 45-60 minutes in a conducive space. Online sessions are conducted through video conferencing while face-to-face sessions happen in safe and quiet venues such as private offices and meeting rooms.


All sessions are strictly confidential. The ethical standards upheld by the Spiritual Directors International are observed.


If you are interested in this service but you are not sure if this is for you, please get in touch to book a FREE session. You may email for any concerns.

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