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Relationship Detox: Practicing Curiosity, Courage, and Compassion (A 3-Part Retreat-Workshop)

This retreat-workshop is an opportunity to examine the relationships you have, appreciate the life-giving ones, and discern on the ones that are life-depleting. This also involves practicing curiosity, courage, and compassion to nurture our relationships.

Part 1 - A Transpersonal Perspective on Relationships and Intro to the Worksheets

Watch the recording below:

Download the worksheets and reflection questions here:

Worksheet 1 - Relationship Inventory

Worksheet 1_ Relationship Inventory
Download PDF • 221KB

Worksheet 2 - Relationship Map and Quadrant

Worksheet 2_ Relationship Map
Download PDF • 858KB

Reflection Questions for Part 1

Reflection Questions
Download PDF • 203KB

Part 2 - Practicing Curiosity, Courage, and Compassion plus How to do Soulful Conversations

Watch the recording below:

Part 3 - Wrap Up and Intro to Contemplative Living through Integrative Practices

Watch the recording below:

Please note that the Flow Program has since been updated. Click here for the full details. If you are interested in joining the program, register here.

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