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Trying to find God

In a world that is constantly buzzing with noise and distractions, finding God can feel like an impossible task. We are bombarded with advertisements, social media updates, and the constant hum of technology, all vying for our attention and pulling us away from the present moment. It can be easy to get lost in the noise and forget the deeper purpose of our existence.

However, in the middle of the chaos all around us, it is possible to find stillness and connect with the Sacred. One of the most important things we can do is to find a spiritual companion who can support us on our journey. This could be a trusted friend, mentor, or guide who can provide a safe space for the unfolding of our true self.

Fr. Silvanos, a monk at the Monastery of St. Anthony of the Desert in Egypt, shares the difficult of finding God these days. He finds consolation in having a spiritual father who guides him as he navigates the joys and difficulties of monastic life. Watch the conversation below.

Silence and contemplation are essential tools for finding God. By carving out moments of stillness in our day, we can connect with our inner selves and tune out the distractions that pull us away from our spiritual path. This could be through meditation, prayer, or simply spending time in nature.

Living like monks in the world means cultivating a sense of detachment from material possessions and worldly distractions. It means practicing presence and finding meaning in simple and ordinary things. By embracing a contemplative way of life, we can create space for deeper connection with ourselves and with the Sacred.

In a noisy and materialistic world, finding God can be a challenging but deeply rewarding journey. With the support of a spiritual companion, a commitment to silence and contemplation, and a willingness to live in the world but not of it, we can discover a deeper sense of purpose and connection that transcends the noise and distractions of daily life.


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